6 Reasons Why You Should Not Use An Inversion Table to Relieve Your Back Pain

Over the years many patients have asked me whether it would be a good idea to use an inversion table to help relieve their back pain. They assume that it would take the pressure off their back, similar to traction or decompression.  This is not the case!

While traction and decompression therapy tables are calibrated to provide healthy stretching, inversion tables use the weight of your body to stretch you continuously.  This not only does not work to help make your back better, it can actually cause injury.

Here are 6 reasons why an inversion table is inferior to traction or decompression therapy and may not be a good idea for your health:

  1. An inversion table places your head below your body, putting pressure on the vascular system in your head. This increased pressure can cause blood to pool in the brain, which can cause blood vessels to rupture or even a brain hemorrhage, and may even lead to a stroke.  Pressure on the eyes is also increased, presenting a danger for those with glaucoma. 

  2. An inversion table stretches the spinal segments, but doesn’t rehabilitate.  The inversion table offers static traction.  It holds your body in the same position with the same amount of pressure the entire time you are on it.  This is of no benefit to disc conditions.  Decompression tables stretch and release in a systematic pattern that carefully pumps the fluids back into the disc to help the disc heal.

  3. While you are using an inversion table, the amount of pressure exerted on your spine depends on your weight, which for most adults is harmful as it is too much pressure.  Traction and decompression tables use carefully monitored pressure, usually less than 40 pounds for cervical traction and under 90 pounds for lumbar traction.  Compare that to your weight and you can see why the increase in pressure is significant.

  4. Being suspended upside down causes your heart beat to slow down, as it is more difficult for the heart to pump the blood in this position. This can lead to heart failure, asphyxiation, or fainting.  This will also cause your blood pressure to rise, so it is especially dangerous for those who have high blood pressure. Increased pressure on the stomach can cause exaccerbations for hernias.

  5. Twisting to get on and off the inversion table can harm lumbar discs, stretching the disc unnaturally or even tearing it, which can result in a disc bulge or herniation as this allows the fluid in the disc to leak out.

  6. An inversion table stretches the ankle and knee ligaments, making them bear the weight of your body as it hangs upside down. These ligaments are created to support your body weight when standing and are not designed to stretch in this way. Supporting the body weight in this way can injure and contribute to instability to the ligaments supporting the knees and ankles.

Spinal traction or decompression therapy are safe, measured methods of stretching your spinal segments to relieve pressure and improve function without the dangers to your health that the use of an inversion table can cause.                               

You don’t have to live with back pain!

To find out more about safe , natural methods of relieving back pain, call us at 417-725-6655 or visit Chiropractor Plus at our office at 1361 W. Mt. Vernon St. in Nixa, Missouri.  Dr. Hunter Greenwood DC ND has helped thousands of patients recover from lower back pain in his over 40 years of practice. Call him today to find out how he can help you.

Isn’t it time YOU felt good again?

These articles are the property of Dr. Hunter Greenwood DC ND.  They may not be reused without permission.  You are welcome to link your site or social media account to this article.

The contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Hunter Greenwood DC ND.  The information on this site is not intended as medical advice.  Dr. Greenwood recommends that patients make their health care decisions carefully after doing their own research and consulting with a licensed health care professional.

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