5 Easy New Year’s Resolutions That Will Improve Your Health

Happy 2018! At Chiropractor Plus in Nixa, our chiropractic staff is celebrating the New Year, and we hope you are, too. To help you and your loved ones start off the year on a healthy foot, we'd like to share our five faves for new habits that will improve your physical and mental health. 

Resolution the Right Way for Your Health with These Top Tips

1. Move around More 

The human body was meant to stay active, and regular physical exercise is one of the best ways to improve your health. But it's not just about going to the gym! Walking more, taking the stairs, parking far away from your building, or even investing in a stand-up desk are great ways to get more low-intensity activity every day that can do everything from help with weight management to improved mood. 

2. Clean Up Your Nutrition

When it comes to improving your diet, we recommend making one or two specific changes instead of trying to do a total re-vamp all at once. Why? Because building your confidence in a focused way is often far more sustainable. 

Nutritional changes to consider: cutting out bread, eating a protein- and nutrition-rich breakfast, or eating vegetables with every meal. 

3. Drink More Water

Our bodies are mostly water, and we need to drink plenty of fresh filtered water throughout the day to help our bodily systems function appropriately. A good goal is at least one third of your body weight in fluid ounces per day, though you may need more if you're highly active. 

4. Commit to a Better Night's Sleep

Most people need about 7-8 hours of sleep per night, though you may need more or less depending on your unique temperament and lifestyle. But quantity is only one factor: quality is key, too. Sleeping in a pitch dark room, going to bed at the same time every night, and using the bedroom only for rest are a few things you can do to maximize the beneficial effects of deep restorative sleep. 

5. Consult with Our Nixa Chiropractor

Whether you have a nagging ache, a sports or car accident injury, or simply feel like your body needs a tune-up, our Nixa chiropractor, Dr. Hunter Greenwood, would be happy to meet with you. He uses non-invasive services to diagnose and treat a variety of conditions.

Is 2018 the year you'll try chiropractic for your health? Call Chiropractor Plus today at (417) 725-6655 to schedule an appointment in the New Year. When you call, be sure to ask us about our new patient special.

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